PinnedHow to Talk to a Native SpeakerWhen it’s time to put your language to the test, set aside grammar and vocabulary. (1) Confidence, (2) precision, and (3) tact will help…Mar 29, 20212Mar 29, 20212
PinnedTeaching: Everything’s a QuestionTraditional language teaching tells us that lessons can be divided into three parts: Present, Practice, Produce. Some people might call…Mar 4, 2021Mar 4, 2021
Mastering Conversational Flow: Guiding Conversations Naturally and TactfullyIn a world that is increasingly connected, the art of conversation is a treasured skill. One integral aspect of this art is the…Jun 10, 2023Jun 10, 2023
A Quickstarter in Sustainable Development: Learning Needs-Based Assessment and Avoiding the…In the world of sustainable development, one phrase you’re likely to come across often is “needs-based assessment.” But what exactly does…May 18, 20231May 18, 20231
To Be a Better Language Learner, Stop Asking “Why?”One of the basic skills holding you back from really learning your target language is simply accepting the language on its own terms. In a…Mar 27, 2022Mar 27, 2022
What does it take to get good at chess? Use this workflow for constant, certain improvement.Here we are now. Entertain us.Mar 14, 2022Mar 14, 2022
Improv Character Training: The GatheringThe Gathering: How to Run It, How to Play ItAug 11, 2021Aug 11, 2021
I did my CELTA at 2016 at ITI Istanbul.Then later in the program, I fell for the same trap that I’d arrogantly talked about to other trainees. Together with a DELTA candidate, I…Aug 1, 2021Aug 1, 2021